Sunday, May 4, 2014

BBC Learning Clips - Free Video Teaching Resources From BBC Learning Zone

bbc learning clips

BBC learning clips/BBC learning zone introduction:

BBC learning clips are free video teaching resources from BBC learning zone for all subjects of the secondary and primary curriculum like English, maths, science, history, geography and KS1 resources, KS2 resources, KS3 resources, KS4 resources and studies.

The BBC Learning Zone was launched in October 1995 to provide learning programs through the internet. BBC educational video clips are learning resources for adults, children, parents and teachers. You find online courses, BBC clips, educational games and revision activities BBC vids from BBC Schools and Open University.

You can browse by primary and secondary level subject, also search by keywords online, all BBC learning class clips are available to watch on Computers, mobiles and tablet devices. These BBC learning clips in the library are available in streaming format only. These BBC learning clips include over 10,000 audio and video free teaching resources helping teachers in the classroom.

BBC learning zone Broadband class Clips provides audio and video visual material to be used in primary and secondary schools. BBC learning clips are designated to match the information to be utilized in many ways from the stimulation and engagement of scholars to the delivery of terribly learning points.

bbc learning zone

The Open University's partnership with the BBC developing online learning journeys that enables you to take free learning materials like free posters, booklets, resources and apps, Specially produced animations and educational games.

BBC Bitesize a free online study support service for school aged youngsters within the UK and accessible worldwide. BBC Bitesize designed to assist youngsters to help them in their schools works and exams. The course notes on the BBC Bitesize justify the key undeniable fact that are necessary to be told and are supported by illustrations and diagrams. BBC learning clips of BBC Bitesize lineup the core subjects of Science, English and maths. These were chosen from English KS1, KS2, KS3 syllabus, further as the TGAU, GCSE course of study. Eventually the Scottish and Welsh course program incorporated into the BBC Bitesize.

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